GP Extended Hours
Practice Extended Hours
Pre-bookable appointments outside normal working hours with a doctor or nurse are available for full time workers. These clinic's are usually held on Tuesday's or Thursday evenings from 18:30 - 20:30 This can be subject to change. Please call the surgery to book an appointment.
Extended Access Hub
Residents registered with a Sutton GP can now access more GP and Nurse's appointments at a more convenient time to them. These extra appointments are provided by Sutton GP Services Limited (SGPS), a collaborative of local Sutton GPs and Nurses, in conjunction with NHS Sutton Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).
Appointments are available at
Wrythe Green Surgery, Wrythe Lane, Carshalton, SM5 2RE
Old Court House Surgery, Throwley Way, Sutton, SM1 4AF
Roundshaw Health Centre, Mollison Square, Wallington, SM6 9DF
James O'Riordan Practice, 70 Stonecot Hill, Sutton, SM3 9HE
You will not be seen by your own GP or Nurse, however the GP or Nurse at your appointment will have secure access to your records with your consent. Routine GP appointments and a range of nursing services are available. If you require dressing changes you will have to take the dressings with you, as stock is not held in the hubs.
The services provided by the Extended Hub are available by appointment only.
Appointment times are Monday - Friday 18:30pm - 20:00pm and Saturday and Sunday 08:00am - 20:00pm.
If you wish to book an appointment during Surgery hours, you should ring your own GP for an appointment.
Alternatively when your Practice is closed please call 03333326570.
Appointments can be booked and cancelled on this number.