Cancer Screening
Cancer Screening plays a vital role in detecting cancer early; please make sure you have screening when you are invited.
Breast Screening
Breast screening aims to find breast cancers early. It uses an x-ray test called a mammogram that can spot cancers when they're too small to see or feel. As the likelihood of getting breast cancer increases with age, all women aged from 50 to their 71st birthday who are registered with a GP are automatically invited for breast cancer screening every 3 years.
For Further Information
To arrange and appointment please call 02087252723 email for further information please see the NHS Website here
Bowel Screening
NHS bowel cancer screening checks if you could have bowel cancer. It's available to everyone aged 60 or over. You use a home test kit, called a faecal immunochemical test (FIT), to collect a small sample of poo and send it to a lab. This is checked for tiny amounts of blood.
For Further Information
To arrange a new test kit call 08007076060 for further information please see the NHS Website here
Cervical Screening (Smear Test)
Cervical screening (a smear test) checks the health of your cervix. The cervix is the opening to your womb from your vagina. It's not a test for cancer, it's a test to help prevent cancer. All women and people with a cervix aged 25 to 64 should be invited by letter, you can only have a smear test when it is due or overdue.
For Further Information
To arrange a smear test please contact the surgery on 02086473711 for further information please see the NHS Website here